Publication ethics

The ethics of scientific publications is a system of professional interaction of all parties involved in the process of publishing a journal (editorial board, reviewers, editors, publishers, authors). Publishing activities are carried out on the basis of recommendations and standards developed by the committee on the ethics of scientific publications – Committee on publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the experience of reputable international journals and publishers.
The principles of ethical behavior are mandatory for all parties involved in the process of receiving, reviewing and publishing scientific articles.Редакциялық кеңес пен рецензенттер қызметіндегі этикалық қағидаттар
Editorial board, including reviewers:
• The main responsible for the quality of scientific articles;
• Makes a decision on publication based on the scientific significance of the works and the accuracy of the data provided;
• Adheres to the principle of scientific integrity and willingness to collegial discussion of various opinions;
• Places information about the publication of the article in open access with the preservation of copyright to the authors;
• There should be no conflict of interest in relation to articles that he does not accept or accepts;
• Do not disclose information on the submitted article to anyone other than the authors;
• It is not allowed to use or transfer unpublished materials to others. This data must be kept confidential and not used for profit;
• Do not allow the publication of materials that are plagiarized.
Peer review helps the editor-in-chief and the editorial board to make a decision on publication and through appropriate interaction with the authors, and also helps the author improve the quality of work.
The reviewer may not be the author or co-author of the peer-reviewed work, as well as their scientific supervisors and/or employees of the unit in which the author works.
Any manuscript received for review from the editorial office is a confidential document. It should not be discussed with other people, except for those indicated by the editor-in-chief.
The reviewer must be objective, express his opinion clearly, concisely and argumentatively.
The reviewer should draw the attention of the editor-in-chief to the significant similarity or partial coincidence of the peer-reviewed article with any other article previously published, with a mandatory reference to it.

The reviewer must maintain the confidentiality of information and ideas in the article submitted to him for review.

Ethical principles of the author of a scientific publication
The author guarantees that the article contains new scientific results that the author has not previously published anywhere. Knowingly false or distorted statements are equated to unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
All articles undergo mandatory verification through the "anti-plagiarism" system. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including non-formalized citations, paraphrases, or the transfer of rights to someone else's research results, are unethical and unacceptable actions.
Articles that are collections of materials previously published by other authors are not accepted for publication by the editorial board of the journal without creative processing and understanding of their authorship.
The article should contain bibliographic references to Kazakh and foreign publications that are relevant during the research. All sources must be disclosed.
The author guarantees that the manuscript of the article submitted to the Journal has not been reviewed and previously published in the editorial office of another scientific journal. Failure to comply with this principle is regarded as a gross violation of publication ethics and provides grounds for excluding an article from the review.
Principles of professional ethics of the publisher
The publisher is responsible for the quality publication of the author's work.
The activities of the publishing house are closely related to the editorial board and editors
The publishing house in its activities:
• To ensure the confidentiality of any information received from the authors until the time of publication of the journal;
• Compliance with ethical standards of interaction with stakeholders.