Instructions for authors

The editorial office of the scientific journal "Journal of the Open University of Kyzylorda" reviews only previously unpublished author's materials – scientific (practical) articles, reviews (review articles) in Kazakh and Russian, corresponding to the topic of the journal.
Articles must be reviewed by independent reviewers - scientists or specialists with a scientific specialty close to the topic of the article. Based on the results of the review, the article may be sent to the author for revision. The date of receipt of the final version of the article by the editorial office is considered to be the date of receipt of the article. The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes to the text that do not distort the meaning of the article.

In one issue of the journal, The author can publish a maximum of two articles, including co-authorship.

Rules for drawing up articles
The text of the article, including the title in Kazakh and Russian languages, the list of references, images, names of illustrations and tables, must be written in Times New Roman in Microsoft Word format in the Windows 10 operating system (files stored in other formats are not accepted).
By submitting the text of the work for publication in the journal, The author guarantees the accuracy of all information about himself, the absence of plagiarism and other illegal forms of obtaining information in the manuscript, as well as the correct design of the text, tables, schemes, illustrations used by him from other sources.
Article decoration parameters: page – A4, book orientation, alignment in width, edges on all sides-20 mm. Font: type-Times New Roman, size (Skittles) – 12, line spacing – 1, indentation of the "red line" -1.25 CM. The volume of the article should not exceed 5-7 pages (articles of a review nature 8-10 pages). The calculation of the volume of the article does not include annotations, keywords, references, information about the author(s) in Kazakh and Russian languages. Works exceeding the specified volume are accepted for publication in exceptional cases by a special decision of the editorial board of the journal.
The IRSTI code (Interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information) is intended for a single thematic systematization of scientific and technical information. IRSTI is the basis of the system of rubricators created and used in the STI bodies. The interstate rubricator of the STI is a hierarchical classification system with Universal thematic coverage. IRSTI code-pairs of Arabic numerals separated by dots. A period is not put at the end of the code. IRSTI on its topic you can find out on the site.
UDC number. Universal Decimal Classification is a system used to encode published texts based on a hierarchical principle from general to individual and taking into account the topic of the work and the direction of research. In this case, a digital decimal code is used. Such a coding system allows you to find the necessary publication, a collection of scientific articles in any library or electronic storage system without a long search.
The title of the article should be concise and reflect the essence of the work. The use of abbreviations in the name is not allowed. The name must be informative (one of the main requirements of the International Information Database).
The annotation should reflect the main content of the article and the corresponding scientific research: relevance, topic, objectives, goals, methods, results, conclusions and recommendations: the annotation should not exceed 100-200 words and should not repeat the title of the article.
Keywords-at least 5-7 keywords or short phrases should reflect the main content of the article, its methodology. Keywords in the article should be indicated in order of their importance.
Introduction-a historical summary of the problem and the purpose of the study are formulated in the last decade, with the obligatory consideration of domestic and foreign works in which similar or Close research has been carried out.
Research materials and methods - consists of a description of the materials under study, the methodology and procedure for conducting research; it is necessary to describe in detail new methods; it is enough to refer to previously published and generally known methods in the list of references, indicating the author and/or the name of the method.
Research results and discussion-the main theoretical and research results, specific data, identified relationships and patterns are given. Here, preference is given to new results, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data of practical importance. A comparison is made with the best domestic and world analogues. The discussion moments of the study and your own approach to solving them are described.
Conclusion-summing up the results of the work, substantiating the novelty and relevance of the study, recommendations for applying the results obtained. Conclusions should not be abstract, they should be used to summarize the results of research in a particular scientific field, describing the recommendations and possibilities of further work.

The list of references should be presented in the language in which the article is written and should be strictly stated in the text at the end of the article. The number of references used is not less than 7. square brackets are used to refer to literary sources, for example: [1], [4,5].
Article design structure:
1. Interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information code is placed in the upper left corner of the first page, the font is bold, the font size is 12..
2. The UDC number strictly corresponds to the Universal Decimal Classification (alignment – by the left margin, after Mrnti, font - in bold, font size - 12). It is necessary to clarify in the bibliographer of the library or find on the website of the classifier of higher education institutions.
3. The title of the article is in bold in capital letters, aligned in the center of the line (font 12).
4. Information about the authors is equated with the name, surname, academic degree and title of the author(s), e-mail, middle (font 11), then, after the interval, indicate the full name of the organization (place of work), city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, it is necessary to put the same mark next to the author's last name and the corresponding organization) (center alignment, italics, font 11).
5. Annotation contains information about the authors, after one interval, 100-200 words (font 11), while maintaining the structure of the article.
6. Keywords after annotation without intervals, 5-7 words/phrases (font 11).
7. The main part contains structural parts written in bold from a paragraph.
• Introduction-main text, followed by keywords through the interval (font 12).
• Research materials and methods without intervals after the introduction (font 12).
Tables, figures must be placed after pronunciation. There should be an inscription before each table and after each picture (font 11). The numbering of tables and figures is carried out separately, in a transitional form. Images must be clear, clean, not scanned.
All formulas in the article must be typed using the Microsoft Office formula editor, placed in the center of the line in a single format that does not exceed the font size of the main text. Only formulas with links throughout the text are numbered.
All abbreviations and abbreviations, except for commonly known abbreviations, must be deciphered when used for the first time in the text.
In the text, references are indicated in square brackets. Links must be strictly numbered in the order of reference in the text ([1], [2], etc.). The link to the book in the main text of the article should be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (for example, [1, Page 45]). References to unpublished works are not allowed.
• Results and their discussion
• Conclusion
8. List of references after the conclusion (after the main part) through the interval (11 fonts). List of references ГОСТ Р. 7.1 – 2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General Assembly requirements and rules", ГОСТ Р.7.0.100–2018 (With changes and additions as of December 03, 2018) "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and Assembly Rules".